Boost the mind, body and spirit in an elegant way.

To participate in the awakening of human consciousness by placing wisdom at the heart of human life, as a primary source of inspiration.

Our mission

That sounds bold.
We agree.

"You can't solve a problem with the same way of thinking that generated the problem." - Albert Einstein.

The state of the world is a reflection of the level of consciousness of humanity. Wars, conflicts, artificial worlds, exploitation of resources, testify to the fact that we are cut off from real life. We choose to reintegrate wisdom into our way of thinking.

We have a simple idea: to accompany men and women who have an impact on the world, to integrate wisdom and authenticity as the foundation of their projects so that they become inspiring leaders. Bring changemakers together to form a dynamic community to learn, share and work together. Mobilize a network of committed facilitators from different cultures, generations, and life experiences to offer their expertise.

Renew education from the universal values of what is good, beautiful and true.

Welcome to elegantway®
Pierre-Irénée Cabouret | Co founder elegantway

Elegantway is :

A collective of facilitators committed to consciousness education.

To achieve your goals, you will find the tools, methods, and mentoring needed to become a leader in your field and move your business forward with clarity and confidence.

We are experts in coaching, yoga and meditation, with over 15 years of experience, and have inspired over 7000 leaders internationally to embody human values within their organizations.


Be Authentic

The workshops and trainings are truly transformative experiences that are based on self-knowledge, authenticity, commitment and serenity.

Personal Resourcing

Coaching pro

Find out how our expert coaches can help you develop your project and reach your goals by overcoming the obstacles that stand in your way.